6 Signs Your On The Right Path In Life According To Life Coach

"Stop being patient and start asking yourself , how do I accomplish my 10 year plan in 6 months; You will probably fail but you will be further ahead of the person who simply accepted it was going to take 10 years"  - Dr. Katya Melvin


1.Decide now to be the curator of your life 

    Based on your own unique combination of talents, passions, values , and curiosities. In an effort to channel a luxurious life made up of passion ,quality, appreciation and continual growth you must create and a unique way of living that correlates with your attitudes towards the world around you.

2. You Celebrate Your Interest

The act of celebrating your own interest and listening to your inner voice  will ultimately lead you on a joyous life journey that is more meaningful to you without following the societal and global media version of spending more than you make for online status and building the correct social skills.


3. You have a faith to believe in.

Your faith builds as you grow older and so will your relationship to God or a higher power. According to Deepak Chopra's infamous book The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success . Spiritual guidance and faith practices adds positive thought experience and a peaceful state of mind in the face of doubt and adversity. Spiritual practice is known to boost belief in success.

4. You believe you are enough just the way you are. 

You are uniquely you, your journey is uniquely yours. Living a life that you love does not mean the masses with agree. It does mean you get to sleep soundly at night from the contentment that comes from accepting your uniqueness and free-will. If life doesn't sit well with you begin seeking inspiration until you figure out the life you want and how you will live it.

5. You are taking risk

"Apply for that job. Date that person. Buy that plane ticket. Move to that city. Do all the things that scare you, they're worth it."

6. You're Doing The Things That Align With Your Goals & Values

You are the curator of your life. You are able to say yes or no. If it doesn't move you closer to your goals you are highly uninterested. You decide to take ownership , be a leader and walk your own path. You make decisions based off of your own values and beliefs.

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